Online, Interactive Posters with Glogster — Mark Morton

Glogster is a free online tool for making “interactive posters” or “glogs.” Although Glogster is being marketed primarily to elementary and high school teachers, I think it also has potential as a presentation tool in higher education. I’ve created an example of a glog using PowerPoint slides from a conference presentation that a colleague and I made a few months ago; it’s ugly, because I have no real design skills, but it will hopefully give you a sense of Glogster’s features and potential. You can see my example glog here.  Another example, this one by a student, is here.  To try Glogster out yourself, just go to and set up your free account.


The Centre for Teaching Excellence welcomes contributions to its blog. If you are a faculty member, staff member, or student at the University of Waterloo (or beyond!) and would like contribute a posting about some aspect of teaching or learning, please contact Mark Morton or Trevor Holmes.