Routledge Education Journals Free for April… – – Trevor Holmes

Great news for those who are intrigued by the idea of academic journals on teaching and learning in higher education: for the entire month of April, Taylor and Francis has made available for free all its Routledge holdings related to education.

Although you will of course find journals listed that are aimed at early years, elementary, and secondary education, there are also journals related to higher education on the list. Some journals will be discipline-specific; others, generic.

The text from their email alert::

“EDUCATION FREE FOR ALL… Free online access to 228 education research journals!”

“Routledge is delighted to announce that free online access is available NOW through Education Free for All. Throughout April 2011, Education Free For All gives you free access to all our top quality education research journals. This includes content from the entire archive of each journal, as well as the most recent articles.”




The Centre for Teaching Excellence welcomes contributions to its blog. If you are a faculty member, staff member, or student at the University of Waterloo (or beyond!) and would like contribute a posting about some aspect of teaching or learning, please contact Mark Morton or Trevor Holmes.

Teaching and Learning Inventories – Svitlana Taraban-Gordon

This week the issue of teaching and learning inventories came up on two different occasions.  Although the contexts of the conversations were different, the topic triggered my interest in the types and usage of inventories in university teaching.

What are the teaching and learning inventories? Inventories are basically self-scoring instruments that focus on some aspect of teaching or learning behaviour, approach, preference, attitudes, etc.  A sound inventory is conceptually grounded in relevant teaching/learning theory and supported by extensive empirical studies.  Inventories include a scoring sheet and descriptive categories that classify individuals into X number of distinctive types/profiles based on their scores. Some of you might have come across similar tools used in other contexts, for example the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI), a well-known personality inventory.

My quick search of educational literature and higher education websites revealed plenty of teaching and learning inventories (and critiques thereof).  I worked with a couple of them in our teaching workshops.  For example, Pratt’s Teaching Perspectives Inventory is the tool that we often use to help instructors articulate their teaching philosophy and examine their personal beliefs and values as educators.  This inventory is available online and used by many educators across Canada.  Other similar self-reported inventories for university instructors include the Teaching Goals Inventory by Angelo and Cross (1993), the Approaches to Teaching Inventory by Trigwell and Prosser (1999) and the Philosophic Inventory by Leahy (1995).

In addition to teaching inventories, there is a wide range of learning inventories that instructors can use with students to help them identify their learning strengths and preferences and become more effective learners. Some of the most popular ones are the VARK Questionnaire and the Soloman-Felder Index of Learning Styles, which was co-developed by Richard Felder, a chemical engineering professor in the US.  Other popular instruments include the Kolb Learning Styles Inventory (1999) and the Approaches to Study Inventory by Entwistle and Ramsden (1983).  Finally, instructors working with first-year students might find the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) useful for helping students to identify their learning strengths and weaknesses and to develop more effective study strategies.

Clearly, there is no shortage of various self-assessment and self-awareness tools in higher education.   Some of them (e.g., learning style inventories) were challenged by educators on conceptual and methodological grounds.   That being said, I can see why some instructors, TAs and students might find them appealing.  For one, inventories could help novice learners or beginning teachers to become more self-aware. Also, inventories are powerful tools for conveying the message about individual differences and diversities that permeate all aspects of teaching and learning.  I think that if we are to view inventories with a skeptical eye and use them as a way of stimulating a discussion rather than finding definite answers,  then they could be helpful tools for teachers and students.  When considering various inventories, we should keep in mind that they are designed  to identify preferences rather inborn characteristics and are meant to be descriptive not explanatory.

Are you using any teaching or learning inventories in your courses?


The Centre for Teaching Excellence welcomes contributions to its blog. If you are a faculty member, staff member, or student at the University of Waterloo (or beyond!) and would like contribute a posting about some aspect of teaching or learning, please contact Mark Morton or Trevor Holmes.

Beginnings – Trevor Holmes

I’m not ready for this. I need a longer break! My first class is this week — I have a reprieve until Friday at 10:00, so my apologies to those who had to begin at 8:30 this morning!

As we enter 2011 we face an unprecedented level of distraction. Over the weekend, a few things came together for me as I was socializing (online and in person) and simultaneously thinking about my first lecture. At a friend’s house, we were talking about Millennials — the people born since 1982 or so who have been coming of age in the new millennium — and how (even for us, a Gen X and a Boomer) it seems impossible to have slower time for reflection and focus. The next day, someone passed along an article about the ways in which English literature departments have lost the plot. Both moments are very present in my mind as I plan the first lecture of a Cultural Studies course (a course that could be seen as one big pile of distractions, and that’s one of the kinder things said about the discipline!). Continue reading Beginnings – Trevor Holmes

Knowing Oneself and Appreciating Others Through Leadership Training — Katherine Lithgow & Mohammad Feisal Rahman

Feisal is PhD  student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Student Leadership Certificate Program (SLP)- “one of the great resources on campus”- Feisal Rahman.
The Student Leadership Certificate Program (SLP) provides an opportunity for any current student (undergraduate or graduate) at UW to develop leadership capabilities which will serve them well on campus and long after they graduate.  For example, among the many workshops offered through the SLP are workshops which address principles of teamwork and collaboration.  The program is designed to encourage all students to participate regardless of whether they are in a leadership role.  The intent of program is to explore and enhance UW students’ leadership capabilities, and to help students gain knowledge and develop skills in leadership on campus and within the community. Continue reading Knowing Oneself and Appreciating Others Through Leadership Training — Katherine Lithgow & Mohammad Feisal Rahman

Khan Academy: Free and Straightforward Learning Resources — Marlene Griffith Wrubel

I recently found an online resource that even Bill Gates and his children use.  Khan Academy is a website dedicated to teaching.  It is the product of Salman Khan, Harvard MBA graduate and a former hedgefund manager.  The information contained on the site is free, available around the clock, and requires just your time and interest in learning the material presented. Continue reading Khan Academy: Free and Straightforward Learning Resources — Marlene Griffith Wrubel