Three experienced (and successful) writers of reference letters for graduate students, Sandra Burt (Political Science, Associate Dean of Arts, Graduate Studies and Research), Ian Rowlands (Environment and Resource Studies, Associate Dean, Research, Faculty of Environment) and Ralph Haas (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, FRSC), will share their advice and expertise. How do you write a letter for a mediocre student? For a good one? For a great one? How do you make your letter stand out? How should letters for academic programs, professional programs and jobs differ? A panel discussion will be followed by a question and answer period. Co-sponsored by UW’s Learning Community on Supervising Graduate Students.
Date: Wednesday May 20th, 2009
Time: 11:30 – 1:00
Place: FLEX Lab, Porter Library 329
Bring your lunch; we’ll provide coffee, tea and juice.
(please note: this event is appropriate for experienced or new faculty members who currently or will soon teach/supervise graduate students)
Register by emailing
Or call x33408