Generations – Trevor Holmes

I find myself in the rather awkward position of being the father of a teen whose friends — some of them — are now in their first week of classes in their first year of postsecondary studies. As of this week, I can no longer pretend to be that younger, cool guy on my students’ side of “geezer.”

Waterloo Photos of Students
Class of 2014 mindset?

Kidding aside, this is the week during which professors’ well-meaning colleagues, friends, family, and teaching developers Continue reading Generations – Trevor Holmes

Restoring attention and memory by disconnecting?

Montserrat Hermitage
Catalonian Hermitage

For some time now, I’ve been (along with certain friends and colleagues) advocating for at least occasional Slow experiences in higher education teaching and learning. Somewhat akin to Slow food (which of course has its detractors, Continue reading Restoring attention and memory by disconnecting?

Collaborative presentation challenges through metaphor – Trevor Holmes


Recently I attended the biennial conference of the International Consortium of Educational Development (ICED), an organisation that brings together national Societies for higher education development, research, and practice. The conference crosses borders quite literally (it rotates around different continents), and the opportunities for intercultural learning are rich. My fourth ICED helped me to recharge my intellectual and practical batteries, and so I thought I would share some experiences on our CTE blog over the next weeks, beginning with a presentation in which I was involved (because I can remember it quickly and Mark is after me to get a blog entry done!).

A bunch of folks from the Challenging Academic Development collective (formed some years ago after a creative session at ICED 2004) proposed a Symposium, in which we would present three thematically-linked presentations. The overall title was “Political Geographies of Academic Development: Neutral, Non-Neutral, or Marginal” and each section had multiple collaborators. My section was inspired by the question that also inspired a somewhat different presentation at Educational Developers Caucus this past February, that question being simply “If your university were the world, what country would your teaching centre be?”

This question arose as a response to an idea that a couple of us in the field had heard before, namely that our teaching centres must be “Switzerland.” Essentially, I wanted to question first the idea that we had to be neutral in our work, and second that Switzerland itself may not be a great metaphor for neutrality.

Hence this abstract and workshop for the section of the Symposium co-authored by myself, Beverley Hamilton (Windsor), Catherine Manathunga (Queensland), and Brad Wuetherick (Saskatchewan)…


The [im]possibilities of neutrality: metaphors of nation for academic developer identities
Universities are geopolitical spaces. Within the territorial spaces of post-secondary institutions, it is often said that academic development should be ‘like Switzerland’, meaning ‘neutral’ in contrast to other university zones. We argue that, the neutral zone in which academic developers work is a kind of fictional truth which allows us to operate without owning our actions in real terms. This session will explore the tropes of neutrality and engagement, also exploring other less dominant forms of neutrality (e.g. Ireland or Iceland) and other metaphors of national identity that can be applied to academic development in order to question what possibilities these tropes open up and close down.


We found, just as a somewhat different group of us found at EDC, that this idea (University as nation, departments as countries) became a really good way in for people to think about their identities as scholars and developers, or as members of a support unit. What do you think? If your institution were the world, which country would YOUR department be? What do you think about the neutrality of the work we do as teaching centre employees? For me, it’s one thing to be confidential, respectful, ethical, responsible to those we support, and quite another to claim “neutrality” — which I think is really impossible in the end. There’s no positionless position, I think, from which to proceed in our work, even when we claim to be “only” facilitators rather than experts. That itself takes a position vis-a-vis the work.


The Centre for Teaching Excellence welcomes contributions to its blog. If you are a faculty member, staff member, or student at the University of Waterloo (or beyond!) and would like contribute a posting about some aspect of teaching or learning, please contact Mark Morton or Trevor Holmes.

Teaching Conference Worth the Wait – Colleen Whyte

I first learned about the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) after enrolling in the CUT program early in my doctoral studies. For the last few years, I’ve been keeping an eye on the location of their annual conference, waiting for it to come a bit closer to home. The conference finally came to Toronto in June of this year with the theme of “Creative Teaching and Learning: Exploring. Shaping. Knowing,” and it was well worth the wait. Despite the overwhelming security measures that took place for the neighbouring G8 conference, over 600 attendees from Canada, the United States and abroad attended the three day conference. Continue reading Teaching Conference Worth the Wait – Colleen Whyte

Two Endings, and Beyond (Worn Down But Happy) – Trevor Holmes

So I’m grading some of my 164 exams, 164 papers, 1600+ discussion board postings from Cultural Studies 101 (KS 101) over at that other place. My eyes are finally glazing over and I wish everyone could write exams on laptops. But it’s lovely — really lovely — to read the exams and final Intellectual Response Papers (IRPs). More students than ever took me up on the challenge to write IRPs on alternate field observations and / or use a different format (photo essay, video, zine, whatever). The portion of their exam that was take-home asks them to reflect (with evidence) on their 10 minijournal entries from the 12-week term. So many “aha” moments arise with that part of the exam. Continue reading Two Endings, and Beyond (Worn Down But Happy) – Trevor Holmes

Congratulations to Alan V. Morgan, 3M Teaching Fellow 2010 – Trevor Holmes

The Society for Teaching and Learning (STLHE) awards up to ten 3M Teaching Fellowships annually. We are thrilled to hear that recently-retired Earth Sciences Professor Alan V. Morgan has become the third University of Waterloo recipient in the award’s 25-year history. Alan’s passion for his subject area is infectious; over a career, he has influenced countless learners of all ages.

For further information, see the Daily Bulletin and the STLHE/Maclean’s announcement.


The Centre for Teaching Excellence welcomes contributions to its blog. If you are a faculty member, staff member, or student at the University of Waterloo (or beyond!) and would like contribute a posting about some aspect of teaching or learning, please contact Mark Morton or Trevor Holmes.

Place-based education and interdisciplinary experience – Trevor Holmes

Recently I attended a pre-conference workshop in Kamloops, BC run by professors from several different disciplines — geography, fine art, literature, philosophy, and biology — who had been collaborating since last summer on “place-based pedagogy.”TRU trip picture

Informed in large part by a hybrid of environmental education and critical pedagogy, place-based pedagogy has to do with, as our homework reading suggests, “decolonization” and “reinhabiting” of space and place. We experienced first-hand some of the assignments the group had worked on for an interdisciplinary course, assignments and activities that each had used in her or his own course but that now were being blended together anew. Continue reading Place-based education and interdisciplinary experience – Trevor Holmes